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Land Records
Hearth Rolls 1669 - Co. Antrim
Brownlow Estate - 17th Century
Estate - 1716 Lease, Thomas Bradshaw, Annacloy, Blaris
Estate - Transfer of Annacloy Land Leases
Flax Growers of Ireland 1796 - Ulster
Estate - Rental Records 18th & 19th Centuries
Freeholders - Ireland
18th & 19th Centuries
Applotments - 1823 to 38
Griffith's Valuation
of Ireland 1848 -
Parish of Derryaghy
- Aughalislone Land Holders 1844
Rolls 1660-69
Between 1660 &
1669, a survey was carried out throughout Ireland to record the number
of hearths in each household,
for the
purpose of levying a tax. Organized
by County, Parish and Townland, the Hearth Money Rolls listed the name
of the head of the
household who was responsible for paying the tax of two shillings
on each hearth in their dwelling.
County Antrim - 1669
John Bradshaw -
Maghergall Towne, Parish of
Maghergall, Mazareene Barony
PRONI Reference - T307/B, 1669 Hearth Roll, Page 112
William Bradshaw, Carrisknevaddy, Parish of
Mazareene Barony
PRONI Reference - T307/B, 1669 Hearth Roll, Page
John Bradshaw - The New Park,
Parish of Ballinderry,
Mazareene Barony
PRONI Reference - T307/B, 1669 Hearth roll, Page 106
Brownlow Estate Records
1 November 1670 - One half of a quarter plus one third of a quarter
of Dromnikelly was leased to
James Bradshaw for 21 years, at an annual
rent of £3.06.08.
2 June 1698 - 30 and one half acres Dromnikelly in her possession
leased to Ann Bradshaw for 21 years from May 1694 £3 rent per annum,
turf and hedgebooty only rest as usual. (note: Ann is the widow of James
Bradshaw & Drumnakelly is in the Parish of Drumcree)
Estate Records - Lease1716
Kilwarlin Papers D/671/LE8/3/4
Annacloy No1
This Indenture made 17th
day of September in the year of our Lord God, One Thousand seven
Hundred and Sixteen between Trevor Hill of Hillsborough, in the County of Down, Esq; of the One
Part, and Alice Smith als wife of Aghnacloy Widow
and Henry Smith of the same weaver both in the said
County of Down. Of the part; Witnesseth, that the said Trevor
Hill, for, and in consideration of the yearly rents, duties,
covenants, reservations, provides, and agreements, herein after
referred and mentioned; and on the Part and Behalf of the Said
Alice Smith and Henry Smith their Heirs and Assigns, to be paid done and performed;
hath demised, granted, set and to farm-lett, like, as by these
persons, he doth demise, grant, set and to Farm-Lett, unto the said
Smith and Henry Smith all that parcel of land in the Townland of
Aghnacloy formerly in the possession of Robert Young and now in the possession of the
said Alice Smith and Henry Smith containing by Common Estimation
Twenty Two Acres Plantation measure be the same more or less situate lying
and being in the Barony of Lower Iveagh and County of Down aforesaid together with all the singular the Rights, Members, Incidents, Appendances
and Appurtenances whatsoever unto the said demise Premises or any
Part or any Part or Parcel thereofbelonging, or in any wife
appearing excepting, and always referring out of this Demise unto
the Said Trevor Hill, his Heirs and Assigns, all Royalties, Mines, Minerals, Coals and Quarries, of
Marble, Free Stone Lime-Stone and Slate, Mosses or Turbary for
cutting of Turf, and all Oak, Ash, Birch, Fir and Alder Trees, now growing, and being on
the Demised Premises, and with free Liberty of Hunting, Hawking,
Fishing and Fowling of the same, at proper Seasons; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and
singular and said Demised Premises, and theirs, and every of their
Rights, Members, Incidents, Appendances, and Appurtenances, (except
before excepted) to the said Alice Smith and Henry Smith
their heirs and assigns for and during the natural life of and lives of
Thomas Bradshaw son of John Bradshaw of Aghnacloy
aforesaid dec and son-in-law of the Alice Smith and of Richard Smith son of Henry Smith aged
about five and twenty years and of Robert Smith son of Arthur Smith
late of Aghnacloy aforesaid dec aged about one and twenty year and
the survivors and survivor of them, the said Alice Smith and Henry Smith their
heirs and assigns
Alice X Smith (her mark) and Seal
Henry Smith signature & Seal
September 1716qw1
Transfer of Annacloy Land Leases
Plot # 1, 17th September 1716 Lease signed by Alice
Smith, widow & Henry Smith
Reference: Kilwarlin Papers D/671/LE8/3/4 (Pre 1716 the land was leased
by Robert Young)
the natural life of and lives of Thomas Bradshaw son of John Bradshaw
of Aghnacloy aforesaid dec and son-in-law of the Alice Smith and of
Richard Smith son of Henry Smith aged about five and twenty years and of
Robert Smith son of Arthur Smith late of Aghnacloy aforesaid dec aged
about one and twenty year and the survivors and survivor of them, the
said Alice Smith and Henry Smith
heirs and assigns
Plot # 1 (Original Lease date May 1716)
1762 1766, Richard Smith & Thomas Bradshaw (D/671/A1/28)
(Area: 24 acres, 2 roods, 8 perches) It should be
noted that Richard and Thomas are not the original lessees but rather
the named lives.
Plot # 2 (Original Lease
date May 1716)
1762 1766, Leased to George Bradshaw, Adam Woods &
Thomas Burns. (D/671/A1/28)
(Area: 25 acres, 1 rood, 30 perches) Similar to plot
#1, George, Adam & Burns were probably lives and not the original
1766 1769, Leased to George Bradshaw, Adam Woods &
Thomas Burns. (D/671/A1/30)
In 1767, Annacloy plots of
land were subdivided into smaller areas and renumbered.
Plot # 1, George Bradshaw, senior
(D671/L8/3) (Area: 6a. 1r. 14p)
The natural Life and lives of John Bradshaw
eldest son of George Bradshaw aged 24 years, of David Bradshaw
second son of the said George Bradshaw aged 18 years and William Woods
second son of Adam Woods of Annacloy aforesaid aged 11 years and for and
during the natural lives of the longest liver of them.
Plot # 2, George Bradshaw Jnr.
(D671/L8/3) (Area: 6a. 2 r. 7p.)
..the natural life and lives of him the said George
Bradshaw of Hercules Lethrim son of Henry Lethrim of Hillsborough in
said county aged 4 years and of James Wright only son of John
Wright late of Moyrusk in the Parish of Magheragall in the County of
Antrim aged 14 years and for and during their natural life of the
longest liver of them.
Question: Why did George Bradshaw Jnr. not name the
lives of his children on the lease, which was common practice on other documents? These two children are also named on other
non Bradshaw leases.
PRONI Reference: D671/L8/3 Map on George Bradshaw Jnr. Lease
Comments on Map
George Bradshaw Snr.
(Felt Maker) and George Bradshaw Jnr. have approximately
50% in area of the original 1716 - 25 acres.
The two other 1716 lease holders of plot 2,
Burns and Adams, now have land adjacent to George Bradshaw
Snr. and George Bradshaw Jnr.
Richard Smith and
Thomas Bradshaw must
have also have had their 1716 leased area reduced as their plot
is no longer # 1.
Plot # 3 Adam Woods lives of John Woods
oldest son and Arthur Woods 3rd son
lease expired
May 1825.
Plot # 4 Thomas Burns - lease expired 18 July
Plot # 5 James Davies lives of James Davies
oldest son 21years, John Davies oldest son 2 years and of William Bradshaw.
Plot # 8 William Davies- lease expired 10
October 1782.
Annacloy Plot 1,
passes from George to John Bradshaw.
area: 6acres 1rood 14 perches
There is an information gap between 1767 and 1793
1793 05 John Bradshaw (D671/1A/40A) (Lease date
1804 09 John Bradshaw (D671/R8/2) (Lease date
1810 12 John Bradshaw
1 May 1816 John Bradshaw
1824 36 John Bradshaw
(671/A1/61) (area: 6a. 1r. 30p. & 0a. 1r. 33p.) Could the additional
area be the land marked A which belonged to plot 2.
Election Check Book Records of Freeholders
Thomas |
Annacloy |
D654/A3/1A |
Annacloy |
1747 Nov 6 |
Election Check Book for County
Down 1746 -89 |
Thomas |
Annacloy |
D654/A3/1A |
Annacloy |
1748 Nov 14 |
Election Check Book for County
Down 1746 -89 |
George |
Annacloy |
D654/A3/1A |
Annacloy |
1755 Oct 8 |
Election Check Book for County
Down 1746 -89 |
George |
Annacloy |
D654/A3/1A |
Annacloy |
1778 Apr 12 |
Election Check Book for County
Down 1746 -89 |
Annacloy, George
Bradshaw Freeholder Records
Sept.5th 1815 Lives of John Bradshaw, David Bradshaw &
William Woods. (PRONI - D654/A3/1H)
Oct 31st 1816 Lives of John Bradshaw, David Bradshaw &
William Woods. (PRONI - D654/A3/1H)
Annacloy, Harvey
Bradshaw, Freeholder Record
Jun 21st 1824 Lives of John Bradshaw,
Daniel* Bradshaw & William Woods. (PRONI - D654/A3/1T)
*Document D654/A3/1T is an old
printed summary sheet of Freeholders, which I believe records the name
Daniel in error possibly due to a misreading of the name David from
the original document. (It may be possible to verify this?)
Annacloy No. 2, George
Bradshaw Jnr. Who inherited this plot?
Tithe Applotment
John Bradshaw, Annacloy Plot # 1 - area has
increased to 11a. 0p. 32r., 2nd class land
Joseph Bradshaw, Annacloy plot # 11 - area,
7a. 0r. 7p. 2nd class land.
Henry (aka Harvey) Bradshaw Plot # 16 area,
3a. 0r. 38p. 2nd class land.
Griffiths Valuation - 1864
Ordinance Survey Reference |
Name |
Tenement description |
Rateable Annual Valuation |
Land |
Building |
Total |
A.R.P. |
£.s.d |
£.s.d |
£.s.d |
6b |
Bradshaw |
0.15.00 |
0.15.0 |
6c |
Bradshaw |
1.00.00 |
1.0.0 |
6d |
Bradshaw |
0.15.00 |
0.15.0 |
6 |
Bradshaw |
0.15.00 |
0.15.0 |
7 |
Henry (aka
Harvey) Bradshaw |
0.3.10 |
1.00.00 |
1.00.00 |
2.0.0 |
8f |
Bradshaw |
0.0.22 |
0.05.00 |
0.10.00 |
0.15.0 |
12b |
Bradshaw |
0.0.20 |
0.05.00 |
1.05.00 |
1.10.0 |
13 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
15.0.30 |
18.10.0 |
2.00.00 |
20.10.0 |
1st Lisburn
Presbyterian Church
Bradshaw had a son baptised called Thomas on 18th August
1706 at the 1st Lisburn Presbyterian Church.
(PRONI mic
1P/159/6) Thomas died 7th September 1777 aged 71 years
(Old Blaris Headstone)
George Bradshaw had a son baptised 26th
September 1708 document damaged and name unreadable on microfilm
Lisburn Presbyterian Church Country List Record of Seat Lists and
Pew Rents 1764 1824.
The records differentiated between persons
living in the Town of Lisburn and Country. (PRONI mic 1P/159/10)
1767 Thom Bradshaw 4 payments of 2s. 3d.(4 payments continue until
John Bradshaw no payments (was John the other son of
1769 John Bradshaw no payments - 2/forfeits (possibly unable to
1776 Thomas Bradshaw paid 1st quarterly 2s/3d in
1777 Thomas Bradshaw has no payments which also coincides with his
death on 7th September 1777
The Pew holders name changed to George Bradshaw, which was scored
out and replaced with Christopher Bradshaw.
October 6th
1767, Christopher Bradshaw married Elizabeth Phenix at Blaris.
(PRONI - mic 1/3/1)
February 12th
1781, Christopher Bradshaw, Maze Elizabeth (PRONI - mic
1P/159/9) (birth record of Elizabeth)
November 28th
1782, Christopher Bradshaw, Maze Bridge, Jane (PRONI mic
1P/159/9) (birth record of Jane)
September 1st 1732,
Maze plot # 3 leased by Nicholas Phenix (PRONI D/671/LE8/42)
(Possible family connection with Elizabeth)
Other 1st
Lisburn Presbyterian Church Records (PRONI mic 1P/159/6-10);
William Bradshey
and Aille Kbanck were married February 20th 1694.
(This record is taken from a typed summary sheet; however my
interpretation from the microfilm is William Bradshw and
Ailly Debank. The name Debank may be of French in origin? In
the late 17th century, French Huguenot silk weavers
arrived in the Lisburn area and were integrated into the
community. They are also credited with improving the quality
and expanding the weaving business of the greater Lisburn
August 18th
1694, William Bradshaw had a daughter baptised called Sarah.
December 26th
1697, David Broadshaw had a son baptised called John.
There is no surviving copy
of original lease for plot #2 therefore Lessee names are
unavailable. However, on October 5th 1755, George
Bradshaw of Annacloy is named in the Election Check book for County
Down, which would indicate that he was a Freeholder and the most
likely location is plot #2.
It is not until the Lease
for 1762 69 for plot #2 that Adam Woods and Thomas Burns names
appear. On August 20th 1767 the 1716 lease expired and
plot #2 was subdivided into smaller units.
In 1767 John, the eldest
son of George senior was 24 years old, which would give George a
birth date of before 1722.
Thomas was born in.1706 and could not
be the father of George snr.
George snr could be the brother of
Thomas and son of George.
On July 14th 1748, Thomas
Bradshaw leased plot #72 Annacloy.(PRONI D654/A3/A1) and would therefore have no need for plot #2 when his
father George died.
Plot #2 probably passed from George (b.
abt. 1685) to George (b.bef.1722)
From 1716 to 1836, the Freehold of plot #2 Annacloy, has been handed
down through the Bradshaw family by;
George from 1716,
George on/before
John on/before1793,
George on/before
Harvey on/before
Flax Growers of Ireland 1796 - Ulster
In 1796 the Irish Linen Board published a list of nearly 60,000
individuals who were awarded Spinning wheels based on the number of
acres planted - Four spinning wheels per acre and a Loom for five acres
planted. The largest number of awards was given to the counties of
Donegal and Tyrone.
James Bradshaw,
Mullaghbrack, Co Armagh
Daniel Bradshaw, Killesher, Co Fermanagh
James Bradshaw,
Kilmore, Co Monaghan
John Bradshaw,
Killeevan, Co Monaghan
Richard Bradshaw, Kilmore, Co Monaghan
Widow Bradshaw, Kilmore, Co Monaghan
William Bradshaw, Kilmore, Co Monaghan
Kilwarlin Estate Land Records
Book Reference |
Year/s |
Townland |
No Ref |
Name |
Lease Date |
Terms of Lease |
Area |
A |
R |
P |
D/671/R8/2 |
1808-09 & 1810-12 |
Aughundunvarran |
27 |
Margaret Bradshaw |
1773 |
Lease expired 12 May 1808 with the death of Charles Rennyson |
1 May 1816 |
Aughundunvarran |
27 |
Late J H Bradshaw |
D/671/A1/61 |
1824-33 |
Aughundunvarran |
27 |
Margaret Bradshaw |
4 |
2 |
0 |
Annacloy |
1 |
Thomas Bradshaw, Richard Smith |
1 May 1716 |
D654/A3/A1 |
14 July 1748 |
Annacloy |
72 |
Thomas Bradshaw |
D/671/A1/28 |
1762-66 |
Annacloy |
1 |
Thomas Bradshaw, Richard Smith |
May 1716 |
24 |
2 |
8 |
D671/A1/40A |
1793-1805 |
Annacloy |
1 |
John Bradshaw |
20-Aug-1767 |
DE671/R8/2 |
1804-09, 10-12 |
Annacloy |
1` |
John Bradshaw |
1767 |
6 |
1 |
14 |
D671/R8/7 |
1 May 1816 |
Annacloy |
1 |
John Bradshaw |
1829-30 |
Annacloy |
1 |
John Bradshaw |
D671/A1/61 |
1824-36 |
Annacloy |
1 |
John Bradshaw |
6, 0 |
1, 1 |
30, 33 |
D654/A3/A1 |
1755 |
Annacloy |
163 |
George Bradshaw |
D/671/A1/28 |
1762-66 |
Annacloy |
2 |
George Bradshaw, Adams Woods, Thomas Burns |
May 1716 |
25 |
1 |
30 |
D/671/A1/30 |
1766-69 |
Annacloy |
2 |
George Bradshaw, Adams Woods, Thomas Burns |
D/671/28/3 |
Annacloy |
2A |
George Bradshaw, Felt Maker expired 20 August 1767 |
Lives of John Bradshaw (24yrs) eldest son of George, David
Bradshaw (18yrs) second son of George and Wm Woods (11yrs)
second son of Adam Woods, Annacloy |
6 |
2 |
7 |
D/671/28/3 |
Annacloy |
Adam Woods expired May 1825 |
D654/A3/A1 |
12 April 1774 |
Annacloy |
337 |
George Bradshaw |
D/671/28/3 |
1790 |
Annacloy |
13 |
Joseph Bradshaw of Annacloy, Co Down, Linen Weaver |
4 Jan 1790 |
Lives of Joseph Br, Henry (12 yrs) eldest son of James
Magerry, Ballynack & Thomas (8yrs) eldest son of John Greer,
Tullymore. |
D671/A1/40A |
1793-1805 |
Annacloy |
13 |
Joseph Bradshaw |
1790 |
1804-09 |
Annacloy |
13 |
Joseph Bradshaw |
1790 |
1810-12 |
Annacloy |
13 |
Joseph Bradshaw |
1790 |
4 |
1 |
13 |
D671/R8/7 |
1 May 1816 |
Annacloy |
13 |
Joseph Bradshaw |
D671/A1/61 |
1824-45 |
Annacloy |
13 |
Joseph Bradshaw |
4 |
1 |
22 |
1829-30 |
Annacloy |
13 |
Joseph Bradshaw |
D671/A1/61 |
1846 |
Annacloy |
13 |
Alex Davis |
1846 passes to Alex Davis |
D671/A1/61 |
1828-35 |
Ballykeel Artifinney |
43 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
6 |
2 |
31 |
1829-30 |
Ballykeel Artifinney |
43 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
D671/R8/2 |
1804-09 |
Ballyhomra |
32 |
George Bradshaw |
1806 |
His own life |
3 |
2 |
17 |
1810-12 |
Ballyhomra |
32 |
George Bradshaw |
1806 |
5 |
2 |
17 |
D671/R8/7 |
1 May 1816 |
Ballyhomra |
32 |
George Bradshaw |
1824-35 |
Ballyhomra |
32 |
George Bradshaw |
1829-31 |
Ballyhomra |
32 |
George Bradshaw |
1804-09 |
Carnbane |
4 |
James Bradshaw |
Lease granted or 41 years at Will |
29 |
0 |
21 |
1810-12 |
Carnbane |
4 |
James Bradshaw |
At will |
29 |
0 |
21 |
D671/R8/2 |
1804-09 |
Culcavy |
23 |
James Bradshaw |
at Will |
13 |
1 |
10 |
Culcavy |
24 |
James Bradshaw |
at Will |
4 |
1 |
23 |
1810-12 |
Culcavy |
23 |
James Bradshaw |
at will |
34 |
2 |
6 |
1810-12 |
Culcavy |
24 |
James Bradshaw |
at will |
8 |
10 |
1 |
D671/R8/7 |
1 May 1816 |
Culcavy |
23 |
James Bradshaw |
D671/R8/7 |
1 May 1816 |
Culcavy |
24 |
James Bradshaw |
1829-30 |
Culcavy |
23 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
1829-30 |
Culcavy |
24 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
1829-30 |
Culcavy |
27 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
1829-30 |
Culcavy |
55 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
1824-35 |
Culcavy |
23,27, 55,56 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
D671/R8/2 |
1 May 1816 |
Hillsborough |
64 |
James Bradshaw |
D671/R8/2 |
1 May 1816 |
Hillsborough |
99 |
James Bradshaw |
D671/R8/2 |
1 May 1816 |
Hillsborough |
142 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
` |
1824-35 |
Hillsborough |
15 |
James F Bradshaw |
1824-35 |
Hillsborough |
31 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
1824-35 |
Hillsborough |
42 |
Margaret Bradshaw |
1824-35 |
Hillsborough |
135 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
1829-30 |
Hillsborough |
31 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
1829-30 |
Hillsborough |
42 |
Margaret Bradshaw |
1829-30 |
Hillsborough |
64 |
Late James Bradshaw |
1829-30 |
Hillsborough |
83 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
1829-30 |
Hillsborough |
138 |
Hercules Bradshaw |
D671/A1/61 |
1824-33 |
Maze |
12 |
George Bradsdhaw |
D671/R8/2 |
1804-09 |
Maze |
73 |
John Bradshaw |
increased holding 1805 |
4 |
3 |
39 |
1810-12 |
Maze |
73 |
John Bradshaw |
1806 |
6 |
3 |
39 |
D671/R8/7 |
1 May 1816 |
Maze |
73 |
John Bradshaw |
D671/A1/61 |
1824-34 |
Maze |
73 |
John Bradshaw |
1829-30 |
Maze |
73 |
John Bradshaw |
Expanded land area 10 July 1829 |
1829-30 |
Maze |
131 |
John Bradshaw |
15 November 1830 |
D671/R8/7 |
1 May 1816 |
Maze |
119 |
William Bradshaw |
D671/A1/61 |
1824-34 |
Maze |
119 |
William Bradshaw |
1829-30 |
Maze |
119 |
William Bradshaw |
Parish of Derryaghy - Land Holders 1844
An Applotment of Parochial Rates to be levied off the Landholders of
Lower Derriaghy, Upper Old Park and Lower Old Park, Parish of Derriaghy,
agreeable to an Act of Vestry made in the Parish Church of said Parish
on the 8th April 1844. (The list of landholders in the applotment of
1845 is the same as for 1844 with one exception; being written by a
different hand it spells some names a little differently, as is shown in
the table at the end of this list). (Spelling 1845 Bradshaw)
Townland of Aughalislone,
Parish of Derryaghy
Wm. Broadshaw 1/4
George Broadshaw 91
Joseph Broadshaw 91
This information is freely available to genealogists and family
historians, but must not be used on a pay site or sold for profit.